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  • November 2022

    November 2022 ​

  • Residential Trash

    Home > News > News Updates > Residential Trash Residential Trash Wed Jul 06 2022 05:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) All Saint Paul residential properties with 1-4 units, including rentals and townhomes, must each have garbage service and a cart per unit. Having all residents participate helps Saint Paul meet our community’s waste reduction goals and improves the livability of our neighborhoods through reduced traffic, pollution, illegal dumping, and less wear and tear on streets and alleys. For more information, please go to

  • October 2022

    October 2022 ​

  • Park Improvement Fund

    Home > Our Work > Projects > Park Improvement Fund Park Improvement Fund Our Environment and Parks Committee (E&P) makes recommendations on the use of funds earned through a cell phone tower lease agreement. Fill out this form to apply for funding, and keep reading to see requirements for applicants. Criteria for Park Improvement Funds requests The project is either a physical improvement or programming. First priority: Projects in Merriam Park park and Desnoyer Park park, as specified in the Cell Tower Agreement. Second priority is given to other existing parks in Union Park. Guidelines used by committee to evaluate proposals Proposal has clear need or a history of being a priority. Project will benefit a significant number of people in the area served by the park where it takes place Proposal has been reviewed to ensure that St. Paul Parks and Rec is not already providing, planning to provide or required to provide the improvement or programming. Community/individuals proposing the project have identified measures of project success, such as “Number of people served,” “Community satisfaction with project based on opinions sampled by survey,” etc. Evidence of community support for and commitment to the proposal has been demonstrated, such as feedback from community engagement, requests from community members, etc. Improvement or program is sustainable over time, for example with a plan for ongoing maintenance or development of ongoing funding. Take best advantage of the cell tower funds by seeking and using matching funds. Investigate the availability of grant money and other funds relating to parks. Advise the Union Park Board on the feasibility of applying for specific grants and obtaining other funding. Annual timeline for project proposals January-March E&P reviews and prioritizes proposals March E&P passes a motion for projects to be implemented in the calendar year April UPDC board reviews E&P recommendations and makes final recommendations to the City April-May Approved projects go through the City approval process May Excess funds (if any) are made available for other parks or programs; Motions to approve additional projects are passed in E&P June UPDC board reviews E&P recommendations for additional projects and makes final recommendations to the City June-July Appeal process for projects approved by E&P but rejected by the City August Excess funds (if any) are made available for other parks September Motions to approve additional projects are passed by E&P October Motions to approve additional projects are passed by the UPDC board November City completes project implementation for the year December Approved funds for projects not yet implemented are encumbered for those projects The Agreement: Just over ten years ago, a T-Mobile cellular telephone transmission tower was installed in Merriam Park park. The City of Saint Paul and the Union Park District Council have an agreement (dating back to January 31, 2005) that eighty percent of the yearly base rent from the tower lease be dedicated to improvements and programming in Union Park’s parks. Merriam Park park and Desnoyer Park park receive priority, and after projects in those parks are funded, any remaining funds are available for other parks in Union Park. The annual dedicated amount, currently $17,000, is deposited into the City’s Special Fund Budget. Under the agreement between the City and UPDC, our E&P Committee advises the UPDC Board of Directors on its recommendation for the best use of funds, and the UPDC Board then advises the City Parks and Recreation Department on a final recommendation for the funds each year. Community Input On Current Or Potential Projects: UPDC staff, Board, and the Parks and Recreation Committee all gather input from the community to identify potential projects for the funds: In 2008, a report was developed to provide a community vision and master plan for Merriam Park. Input was solicited through mailers, online surveys, and in-person engagement through workshops, and the annual ice cream social, and other events. E&P Committee members conduct outreach each year at our annual Ice Cream, Peanut Butter and Jam event in Merriam Park to collect resident feedback on park plans and potential projects. UPDC conducted extensive outreach during our District Planning process, and we have created a Parks section in our draft plan that reflects community priorities for park improvements and green spaces throughout Union Park. The Desnoyer Park Improvement Association solicits input from Desnoyer Park residents on improvements to their neighborhood park, and has representation on the Parks and Recreation Committee and UPDC board. E&P seeks input from City Parks staff on potential projects. They are knowledgeable about park utilization and needs and desires of park users, as well as about the feasibility of projects. E&P also entertains proposals from community members < Previous Project Next Project >

  • June 2023

    June 2023 ​

  • April 2023

    April 2023 ​ ​ Previous Next

  • Program Manager

    Home > News > News Updates > Program Manager Program Manager Mon Jul 26 2021 05:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) Union Park District Council (UPDC) is seeking a Program Manager. If you are ready to be a part of a nonprofit nonpartisan organization that is committed to serving the Union Park neighborhood of St. Paul, we welcome your application materials. Details of the job description can be found here To apply, you must email a copy of your resume with a cover letter highlighting your experience and why you are interested in working with our team. Candidates must be able to provide references upon request. Email with the aforementioned materials. The resume must be received by our office no later than August 8th, 2021. You may also mail your resume with a cover letter to: Union Park District Council 1821 University Ave W Suite# 308 Saint Paul, MN 55104

  • Neighbors United Funding Collborative

    Home > Our Work > Projects > Neighbors United Funding Collborative Neighbors United Funding Collborative The Neighbors United Funding Collaborative is a community-fund supporting the communities of Midway and Union Park. NUFC provides grants to residents, local businesses, and community organizations affected by the ongoing pandemic and civil unrest. NUFC is currently accepting grant applications from small busineses in the Midway and Union Park areas until funds are exhausted. Learn more and apply here . HISTORY OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD FUNDING COLLABORATIVE: In August 2016, the St. Paul City Council passed Resolution 16-1407 which created a task force to discuss the creation of a community benefits fund to support the neighborhoods adjacent to the Snelling-Midway Redevelopment Site. According to Midway United's account of the history, "for six months the Community Benefits Fund Task Force gathered from residents and business owners’ thoughts, ideas and aspirations for the creation of this community benefits fund and what it might support, including nearly 900 neighborhood comments during community outreach." Ideas ranged from façade improvements for local businesses to public art installations, such as sidewalk planters and artist-inspired benches. Ideas aimed to support business development, beautify streetscapes and encourage foot traffic and vibrancy. After community discussion and deliberation, The fund was named the Neighbors United Funding Collaborative (NUFC) and is the result of more than 2 years of community engagement, discussions, and outreach and officially "launched" in July 2019. NUFC has been shaped over time by community representatives from the Community Benefits Fund Task Force laid out in a 2016 City Council resolution authored by Thao. The fund is overseen by an advisory committee with community representatives from area neighborhoods, local businesses, soccer supporters groups, and those with expertise in development. To date, NUFC has helped over 20 small businesses through three different grant programs. < Previous Project Next Project >

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